Immigrate Simply makes it easier for people to complete forms on their own, simply and with confidence. However, some people may want or need immigration advice. For example, if one of your answers produces a pop-up that recommends you consult an immigration professional, or if you want a professional to complete or review your application, you can hire an immigration professional.
In Canada, only members of the following professions are legally authorized to provide immigration advice:
- Registered Canadian Immigration Consultants (in good standing with the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants, CICC)
- Lawyers (in good standing with a provincial or territorial law society)
- Notaries (in good standing with the Chambre des notaires du Quebec)
You may contact any registered Canadian immigration consultant or lawyer for immigration advice. The immigration professionals supporting Immigrate Simply are from Active Immigration Professionals and they are authorized to provide immigration advice.
Note: Immigrate Simply is a software system, not an immigration consulting firm. Therefore, Immigrate Simply cannot legally provide immigration advice.
When choosing an immigration professional, make sure you protect yourself from fraud: